Tag Archives: art

Cozy in Whatcom County

When I was asked to develop ideas for indoor activities for visitors to my area, it was easy to come up with a list of my favorite places. Many of them I’d already written about. Independent film, live music, indoor climbing, performing arts, and pub crawls are just a few of the options. Check out my Bellingham Experience Insider blog, 5 Ways to Stay Warm and Active in Bellingham this Winter, soon to plan your next visit to the Bellingham and Whatcom County area. One look and you’ll see why I chose this place to call home.


When winter is keeping you inside, there are a lot of options for cozy fun.


One of Bellingham’s Hidden Gems

img_0009Politics aside, who do you vote for: Mead or Cider? Before stepping into Bellingham’s Honey Moon I’d never tried mead, the drink of knights and peasants. But Honey Moon has both made from scratch, all while supporting the local music and poetry scene too!

An exemplary business, Honey Moon takes care to treat its employees well by valuing their work and including their ideas in event and product planning. That makes for a tight-knit work family. They also pride themselves on giving local artists, musicians, and poets a space to share their work.

That’s why I enjoy writing about wonderful places to be for my Insider Blog for Bellingham Experience. Hot Damn Scandal, New Orleans’ Jocose Bird, and so much more can be found at this hole-in-the-wall spot. Take a look.