Tag Archives: Idiom Theatre

Expanding Theater in Whatcom County

idiom-move-sylvia-centerI’ve had the pleasure of performing in locally-written plays at the iDiOM Theatre for many years. It was my honor to perform in the first 48-Hour Theatre Festival at the new Sylvia Center for the Arts, and the home of the new iDiOM Theatre.

My Insider Blog for Bellingham Experience via Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism shares what felt like an historic experience, including a video recording of my performance, as well as all that’s happening at Sylvia as a result of the hard work of Artistic Director Glenn Hergenhahn-Zhao, the Board, and the volunteers in Bellingham’s incredible theater community.

Big Changes for iDiOM Theatre

For the past several years, I have had the honor of performing at a saucy avant-garde little theater in Bellingham, the endearing iDiOM Theatre. They recently announced that they would be moving after 14 years to a new location for next season. I was so excited for them that I wrote about it for WhatcomTalk.com.

Do go read about all the incredible improvements planned not just for the iDiOM, but also for the entire Bellingham arts community. We’ll all benefit for all that Sylvia Center for the Arts will bring to our doorstep.

Thank you to Cass Murphy for the photos and to Glen Nelson Bristow and Patrick Timmins for their help with this article.

idiom move Sylvia Center

Proposed location for the new Sylvia Center for the Arts


New Adventures

I haven’t posted here in a while. I’ve been busy with…kids home for the summer,  enjoying the amazing Pacific Northwest outdoors, doing improv at The Upfront Theatre, acting in 48-hour Theatre festivals at the loveable Idiom Theatre, and starting a new project that I’m just dieing to share.

Family Planning and Other Stories, a TV pilot by the sharp Writer/Director Sue Mattson, will be filming in mid-October. Guess who’s in it? ME! I’m fortunate to be appearing (and learning a lot) in my role as Kat, a middle-aged mother who, upon encouragement from her volatile daughter Riley (played by the talented Sarah Waisman), heads into the unpredictable world of on-line dating.

The female-centered script is sharp and full of hilarious characters including Kat’s potential suitors, played by the talented Bill McQuaid and Michael Mitchell.

Check out our Indiegogo fundraising campaign for more details, and make a donation to help get this witty, playful project off the ground.

I also couldn’t help sharing this hilarious commercial starring the versatile Michael Mitchell in You Go Through Vladimir.

Help us get started at Indiegogo today, as there are only 23 days left to reach our $2000 goal. Stay tuned as I’ll be posting more insider details and photos here over the next couple of months.

Please comment here and tell me what you think.

Cheers to new adventures!